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Additional Reports 2024

Please use this form to submit the following reports: Report of the Pastor, Membership, Additional Appointed Staff (if applies), Budget, Financial Summary, and Nominations.

If you are missing any of these reports, you may still attach the ones that are complete and hit submit. Then, come back to this form to attach any remaining reports when they become available. Each report will be sent to the corresponding Regional Administrator.

For each attached form: Please write headings at the top of attached forms that includes: Name of the Report (include year), Pastors Name, Church Name (City: Church Name).

Resource: Find number of lay members per church by district for 2025Annual Conference.

Report of the Pastor

The Pastor shall give a report on the state of the church and an account of pastoral ministry as it relates to (para. 340): providing support, guidance, and training to the lay membership in the church; ministering within the congregation and to the world; and administering the temporal affairs of the congregation. Include as a part of the report a statement outlining the pastor's program of continuing education and spiritual growth for the past year and plans for the year to come (para. 350.1).

Please include at the top of the report:Name of the Report (include year), Pastors Name, Church Name (City: Church Name). Upload only PDF or DOC

Membership Report
The membership report shall include the names of all persons involved in the changes in membership and other items as outlined in the 2016 Book of Discipline (para. 234-242). This was formerly included in the report of the pastor.

Please attach one document with answers to the following questions:
1. List those who have been received into baptized membership since the last report.
2. List those who have been received into professing membership since the last report.
a. On profession of faith or restored.
b. From other United Methodist churches.
c. From other non-United Methodist churches.
3. List those who have been removed from the professing membership since the last report.
a. By action of the Charge Conference, or trial court, or by withdrawal.
b. By transfer to other United Methodist churches.
c. By transfer to other non-United Methodist churches.
d. By death.

Please include at the top of the report:Name of the Report (include year), Pastors Name, Church Name (City: Church Name). Upload only PDF or DOC

Additional Appointed Staff Report (if applies)

Please include at the top of the report: Name of the Report (include year), Pastors Name, Church Name (City: Church Name). Upload only PDF or DOC

Budget for 2025

Please include at the top of the report:Name of the Report (include year), Pastors Name, Church Name (City: Church Name). Upload only PDF or DOC

Financial Summary

Please attach the church's most recent financial quarterly statement that demonstrates expenses and revenues. (Questions? Please contact your DS)

Please include at the top of the report: Name of the Report (include year), Pastors Name, Church Name (City: Church Name). Upload only PDF or DOC

Nominations Report

Please include the names and contact information including emails of the elected Lay Members to Annual Conference.

Please include at top of the report: Name of the Report (include year), Pastors Name, Church Name (City: Church Name). Upload only PDF or DOC

To continue working on this form before submitting, click the Save and Continue button in the upper right and a link will appear.

****Please copy and save the link you are provided. You may use this link to re-enter your session at any time by pasting it into your browser address bar. Once a form is submitted the link will no longer be available.****

We recommend printing a copy of each completed form to retain for your records and share with the church office. Please click on the print button at the top of each form before selecting 'submit'.

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Accessibility Audit 2024
Additional Reports 2024
Clergy Compensation Report No Parsonage
Clergy Compensation with a Parsonage
Finance Report 2024
Fund Balance Report 2024
Parsonage Report 2024
Profile of the Local Church 2024
Recommendations and Reports to the CC 2024
Trustees Report 2024