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Clergy Compensation Report for Clergy Not Provided a Parsonage
Please complete a clergy compensation reportfor each clergy person under episcopal appointment. Please round up to the nearest dollar. NO decimals, letters or symbols.

Download the clergy compensation explanation sheet.

*indicates a required field (if this field is not filled in, an error message will appear after hitting submit and required fields will appear in red)

Clergy Compensation

This section determines:

1.  Total cash to be paid to clergy

2. Taxable and non-taxable elements of total cash.

3.  Compensation used by Wespath to determine the benefit amount and cost of annual and monthly contributions to the Clergy Retirement Security Program Plan (CRSP) and Comprehensive Protection Plan (CPP).

4. Cash amount for payroll


Taxable/Nontaxable Compensation

Wespath Compensation and Contributions

Annual Base Salary (1) + Other Cash (4) + Other Cash -SECA (6) + Housing Allowance (8)

Refer to eligibility requirements


This form is required to have at least three complete signatures. To secure all signatures, please select Save and Continue Later. You will be given a link to share with the other personnel needing to sign. The last person signing this form can then hit submit. The Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) Chair should attempt to have all church signatures prior to or at the time of Charge Conference.
* If needed signatures can be added to a completed printed form.

Please remember to select 'Print' at the top of the form before submitting to retain for your records.

Every time you enter information in a field, it is automatically saved to your session, which can be accessed by clicking the Save and Continue and using the link at the top of the page.

****It is important to highlight, copy and save this link for your records before exiting out. You may paste thislink in the address bar of your browser to re-enter your session at any time. ****

If you have another clergy and need to start a new form, save the link and click on the top banner to return to "home".

To secure all signatures, please copy and save the link at the top of the screen and share with the DS to sign at the time of your Church Conference. Do not hit submit. The last person signing this form can then hit submit. Instructions for signing this page:

Desktop/Laptop users: Please sign typing in your name.
Tablet/Phone users: Please sign using stylus or finger by using an eSignature app.

Actual signatures can be obtained by printing this form.

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