Part 2 - Clergy Evaluation Tool 2024
1. Pray for clarity and honest self-examination as you prepare to fill out your form;
2. Spend time filling in a score and concrete examples for each of the 12 dimensions. A score of 5 is the highest score and 1 is the lowest;
3. Once you have completed the form, meet with the staff parish to review the forms and work together to improve each of the dimensions. It is your responsibility to want to grow and improve the ministry you have been called to but it is also the work of the church to support and work alongside you to improve each dimension in you and for the church as a whole;
Below are the 12 dimensions of ministry that can be found in Effective Ministry 360.
Each pastor brings particular strengths and growth opportunities for these areas. Please read through each dimension of ministry and rate your effectiveness with the following scale
1--Highly ineffective
3--Neither effective nor ineffective
5--Highly effective
Please keep in mind that the way you engage in each dimension of ministry can take many forms. You may be directly involved, develop teams to administer the tasks/ministries, resource others in the area, or develop community connections.