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Fund Balance Report 2024 (due Feb. 28, 2025)

The Committee on Finance is required to make provision for an annual audit of the records of all the financial officers (including the financial secretary or church business manager and treasurers) of the church and all its organizations and shall report to the Charge Conference. Guidelines for the handling of accountability of funds can be found in the 2017-2020 United Methodist Church Financial Records Handbook and in Guidelines for Leading Your Congregation: FINANCE available at

1. Local Church Funds: Receipts, Disbursements, and Balances (round to the nearest dollar)

General Fund

Benevolence Fund

Building or Improvement Fund

Board of Trustees' Fund

United Methodist Men

Church School

Other Organizations or Funds

2. Final Review

3. Recommendations for changes in financial policies and practices. Attach additional pages as needed. (Please put the name of your church with the city first and only upload in a PDF):

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Accessibility Audit 2024
Additional Reports 2024
Clergy Compensation Report No Parsonage
Clergy Compensation with a Parsonage
Finance Report 2024
Fund Balance Report 2024
Parsonage Report 2024
Profile of the Local Church 2024
Recommendations and Reports to the CC 2024
Trustees Report 2024